I am asking that this comment be brought to the front page. Does anyone know who owns the blue Celica that is usually parked in the lot across the street from the Jefferson at Half and I? This car has a very sensitive car alarm. I'm not sure the owner is aware of the frequency of the alarm going off. The building was built with very cheap windows and there is little to no sound protection. Couple that with a very loud alarm and people are not getting a lot of sleep at night. It has been a topic of conversation on my floor among my neighbors that live on the street-facing side. If you know this person or you are this person, can you please ease up the sensitivity on your alarm? Or just turn it off if you don't plan on monitoring it. Thanks you
I am asking that this comment be brought to the front page. Does anyone know who owns the blue Celica that is usually parked in the lot across the street from the Jefferson at Half and I? This car has a very sensitive car alarm. I'm not sure the owner is aware of the frequency of the alarm going off. The building was built with very cheap windows and there is little to no sound protection. Couple that with a very loud alarm and people are not getting a lot of sleep at night. It has been a topic of conversation on my floor among my neighbors that live on the street-facing side. If you know this person or you are this person, can you please ease up the sensitivity on your alarm? Or just turn it off if you don't plan on monitoring it. Thanks you