Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6D meets at 7:00 pm on the second Monday of each month. *
See their Calendar for more information about important upcoming meetings.
The Advisory Neighborhood Commission is an elected body that considers a wide range of issues affecting the Southwest/Near Southeast community, including zoning, liquor licenses, recreation, traffic and parking, police protection and public safety, economic development, sanitation and trash, and street improvement.
The purpose of the Commission is to provide an official link between our community and District government. The Commission is made up of representatives of each of the neighborhoods (Single Member Districts) within the community. Commissioners are elected every two years, and serve as unpaid volunteers.
The Commission presents its positions and recommendations to District government agencies, the Executive branch, and the City Council. It can also present testimony to independent agencies, boards and commissions. By the DC law governing Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, such testimony must be given “great weight” when agencies render decisions.
Your Commissioner. Residents are urged to contact their Commissioner when they have concerns or comments specific to their neighborhood. To find your representative, check the ANC Map to find out in which Single Member District (SMD) you live, then go to the Commissioners page to find his/her name and contact information.
Ours is:
ANC District 6D07
Robert Siegel, 919 5th Street SE Washington DC 20003
Committees. The ANC has three committees, Development and Planning, Alcoholic Beverage Control, and Community Outreach. They are made up of representatives of each Single Member District, and meet monthly to discuss issues coming before the ANC. The public is welcome to attend the committee meetings. For more information, visit the Committees page of the website.
Citizen comment is welcomed and encouraged, but you must contact the ANC office (554-1795) 48 hours in advance of the meeting to be put on the agenda. Under ANC 6D rules, comment from the audience is also allowed on any topic if a motion is on the floor. All ANC business is done in public (including "housekeeping"' chores such as financial reports and approving official correspondence) so meetings can run late. Time limits for comments are enforced to allow everyone an opportunity to speak. It's often helpful to contact your Commissioner prior to a meeting to discuss your concerns or requests.
*Except August (no meeting) and October (3rd Monday)